Understanding and anticipating upcoming trends is vital to formulating your digital marketing strategy for 2023. Digital marketing is one of the most rapidly-changing professional fields, and it's time to assess which digital marketing activities and tools you should be implementing. Check out these digital marketing and artificial intelligence trends to give your company a competitive advantage.
Increased focus on personalisation As competition grows, businesses will need to find new ways to differentiate themselves. Personalizing the user experience is one way to accomplish this. This could include delivering targeted content and ads based on data, or tailoring the user journey to individual preferences. Personal messaging through various channels, chat conversations, social commerce on social media platforms, and social shopping with other users are all examples of personalised marketing.
Content marketing is expanding to new spaces We're seeing a shift toward more immersive content experiences with the slow and steady rise of the metaverse and platforms that use augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). Businesses must consider how to create engaging content that takes advantage of these new platforms. For most businesses, especially small businesses, this may seem far away. However, larger global brands are already taking advantage of the metaverse's potential. Gucci, for example, has launched a virtual tour of their actual museum in which users can browse the museum and enquire about specific products. The goal of such augmented reality platforms is to raise brand awareness, particularly among younger consumers who enjoy gaming and are accustomed to navigating the digital world. Recently Marks & Spencer became the first UK high street retailer to introduce a virtual influencer, called Mira, complete with her own Instagram account. Mira is an abbreviation for 'Marks & Spencer, influencer, reality, augmented,' and the digital character was created through a combination of photography, cutting-edge CGI and computer vision. According to M&S, one in every four people in the UK is influenced by social media to buy clothes, and their new virtual influencer will showcase the latest collections, trends, and style tips. M&S also say that launching a virtual influencer allows them to connect with a younger audience and build a community with a demographic that’s au-fait with this technology. Conversational marketing Customers expect better digital experiences, personalised content, and immediate responses to their questions. People are impatient and do not want to waste time searching for information or navigating websites. Conversational marketing is the answer, and its goal is to engage customers with targeted messages and conversations. Marketers have begun communicating with customers via Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, or Slack, and people have begun asking Alexa and Siri questions about brands. Chatbots and live chats play an important role in conversational marketing as well. Chat allows you to communicate with customers around the clock and personalise their experience.
Social shopping A significant component of social commerce is social shopping, in which the buyers' friends participate in the buyer's journey. The process mimics the real-world experience of visiting a physical store, where people can discuss products with others and seek advice. Influencer marketing and user-generated content become even more important as a result. People will rely on recommendations, reviews, and testimonials from influencers and regular customers. Applying reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers to your website and social media channels is one way to capitalise on the phenomenon of social shopping.
Marketing AI and machine learning AI and machine learning are already being used in many aspects of digital marketing, ranging from personalization to ad targeting. We anticipate that even more businesses will use these technologies to improve their results by 2023. Artificial intelligence (AI) provides marketers with a plethora of new tools. They make it easier to personalise your content by targeting the right messages to the right audiences, they save you time by creating content and marketing automations, and they use machine learning to continuously improve algorithms. Because AI will shape the world in general, it is only natural that digital marketing trends will follow suit. Personalised AI-powered content AI can create content and deliver it to your target audience at the right time. We may see AI-generated visual content in the future. For the time being, we must rely primarily on written content. Artificial intelligence can also help with content personalisation, similar to how personalised recommendations are generated. Marketing automations Marketing automations assist you in managing campaigns across multiple channels, determining the best course of action and sending pre-scheduled campaigns and messages. Artificial intelligence adds layers to marketing automation and assists you in measuring and analysing campaign success. With AI-powered marketing automations, marketing teams will have less manual work and a better understanding of campaign success.
Customer relationship management (CRM) AI is being invested in by a variety of CRM companies. In the near future, we can expect to see more AI features in customer relationship management systems like Hubspot. When the time comes, it assists businesses in better managing customer relationships, understanding customers, and keeping track of interactions with customers.
Targeted marketing with the help of predictive analytics Predictive analytics uses algorithms, buyer intent and other metrics to predict how your customers will behave and segment them. Knowing what your customers are going to do next allows you to create targeted ads and content that converts well.AI can also recommend products and services to people who are likely to be interested in them.
The right strategy will grow your business, showcase your brand and deliver outstanding return on investment. If you're looking to get more from your digital marketing in 2023, then get in touch and a member of the Ascensor team will be in touch to discuss how we can help grow your business.