The Digital Age has brought about a revolution in the way successful marketing is executed, giving rise to a new industry of digital professionals whom companies rely on to run their campaigns. It’s a good time to be in digital marketing due to the near-infinite amount of work that organisations are willing to outsource to agencies.
Content and strategies by which to market it are among the main projects that are outsourced, as it can work out cheaper than having a dedicated, in-house department who wouldn’t be doing much between campaigns or during quieter periods. But with all this work flying around, marketers on the receiving end of outsourcing might be forgiven for thinking that they are limited by the size and capabilities of their own team.
However, just as there is a vast amount of content that needs writing, there are a vast amount of content writers (often called “copywriters” due to the evolution of an older term) willing to write it. A simple Google search will show you that there are thousands of freelance copywriters around making a living off – just as you are – the spoils that the Digital Age has brought about. And many of these are willing to work with agencies.
Benefits of using copywriters
Many marketers are wary of hiring professional copywriters on the philosophy that “it’s just writing – anyone can do it”. However, it’s not necessarily about finding the next Ogilvy; copywriters are often willing to work quite cheaply, and by outsourcing content work to a professional copywriter – most of whom also double as SEO and content marketing specialists – not only do marketers stand to increase the amount of work that they’re able to take on from clients, but they might also find that they can ease their own workload or make once-problematic deadlines more manageable by outsourcing excess jobs.
Tips for hiring good copywriters
- Consider their other skills – as aforementioned, many copywriters are experts in SEO, PPC and other aspects of digital marketing in order to stay ahead of the competition.
- Ask for a portfolio – see their other work to get an idea of whether or not they’ll work well with towards your objectives.
- Avoid “copy mills” – websites that advertise copywriters willing to work for very little. These copywriters are often based in upcoming countries and are likely to produce poor – often Americanised – copy.