The opportunities to grow your business online are huge, but so is the competition. Websites that aren’t marketed in some way will generally not attract the visitors that you need to become an online success. The costs of digital marketing can be prohibitive but it is a catch 22 for many businesses, without marketing you cannot generate the money to pay for marketing and so not cover the initial investment, but here’s how we can help!
Funding for all businesses with less than 250 people
Ascensor have been approved as Growth Accelerator coaches by Grant Thornton, part of the Government’s Business Growth Service and we can now provide funded support to help businesses with strategic digital marketing.
If you employ less than 250 people then we are able to provide up to £3,000 worth of support and once complete we can then help you access up to £2,000 for each manager you employ up to a maximum of 5.
Contact Ascensor if you would benefit from funded strategic digital marketing support.
Funding for manufacturers
If you are a UK based manufacturer (defined as a business that adds value to a product before selling on) then Ascensor have been approved to access the Manufacturing Advisory Service funding, also part of the Government’s Business Growth Service. The support provides 50% funding towards strategic digital marketing support up to a maximum value of £4k (£2k funded).
If you struggle to find new customers then we can help you to access the grant scheme and learn how you can reach more customers through your online activities.
Contact Ascensor if you are a manufacturer and would benefit from funded strategic digital marketing support.
We have been recognised in Lord Young’s 2015 small business report to the Government, having introduced over seventy companies to the Growth Voucher service that ran until the end of May. The Growth Vouchers are hopefully going to return, even if you have had one you can still qualify for both Growth Accelerator and MAS funding (if you are a manufacturer), contact our experts today for more information.