Over the last 6 months I have spent a lot of time in the capital.
We have picked up some great enquiries from London based businesses thanks to some great referrals from Leeds and our excellent search engine positions. Our ability to save London based businesses significant web design and marketing costs has helped us to convert them into clients. It was for these reasons that opening up in London, it was an opportunity that shouldn't be missed.
As well as client meetings I had done a few recky's, visiting different office locations before making a decision. I wanted to be as close to Kings Cross as possible to make very early and late travel a sensible option. Kings Cross has changed so much since the opening of St Pancras Euro link station, hotel and of course the champagne bar ;-) and the cost of office space has increased astronomically in recent years, the whole area has certainly been smartened up.
In the end I chose Camden Town, a vibrant area 2 stops on the Northern Line from Kings Cross. The office is 2 doors away from Getty Images, one of the worlds leading image brokers, EMAP is just round the corner and the area is home to many creative businesses, it felt right.
So, first day in the office April the 7th... I hadn't had chance to find any suitable accommodation by the time the first day was looming. A good friend of mine suggested I contact one of his friends who lived in Chiswick to see if I could stay at her house whilst in London, until I had sorted myself out. This worked out and so I headed down on the 6th. Chiswick is a good hour and fifteen minutes away from Camden on a good day, but the offer of accommodation was great and the office set-up meant that I was looking to save costs where possible. I arrived at 10.30pm.
Every time I have been to London over the last 6 months I have moved around with ease, no tube problems, no over-ground issues, I was London Transports biggest fan!
First day in the office, leave Chiswick at 7.30am...2 Trains cancelled...Tube chaos at Earls Court...problems at Piccadilly...almost 3 hours to the office - I needed accommodation!
I sat behind my new desk, not used to being outside of a busy digital agency, wondering what I was doing, then the phone rang... It was Nick, my old school friend who I had met the week before, "how would you like your first new London enquiry Andy?", the timing couldn't have been better - motivating or what!