On a mass-communication level IT makes things simple, it enables information to go viral, but the best thing is that everything that is said can be tracked and reported on, who is talking about you? Recent news surrounding the proposed law to give people the 'Right to Disappear' may change things as far as traceability for individuals, but for businesses there are many tools that you can use to track where your messages and your brand is being spread.
One useful tool is www.bit.ly – this feature allows you to shorten url’s for passing socially but with the added benefit of being able to log-in to the website a report on the activity that your link has generated. This is a great tool for using when adding links to any social media activity.
So how do you look to see what has been published about your brand. This could be published by you or by others. A great way to look for the use of your brand through the Google index is by typing ‘site:’.
So for example if you type:
site:facebook.com Ascensor limited – you will see all of the Facebook posts and pages that mention Ascensor Limited.
This works for all websites indexed by Google eg:
site:linkedin.com Ascensor Web Design
This is a great way for you to see what is being said about you across all of the social networks to help you understand how your brand is carried.
For more information on Social Media Consultancy contact Ascensor today.
Ascensor are an agency providing Web Design in Leeds and London