After some great interest in the print calculator concept, both from existing contacts and new enquiries, one of the main aims this week was to standardise the product and prepare sales literature.
Originally developed for Aura Print, the calculator gives printers and print brokers the ability to offer print on demand (POD) pricing from a multitude of equipment, both in-house and sub-contract. The complex calculator serves the lowest price instantly, with the data displayed in a myriad of ways. Orders are secured and files transferred into the Print Manager. Print Manager gives clients the ability to manage job workflow through production before Ascensor's established Dispatch Manager product is used to complete the process.
We have considered 4 models for resale; Basic allows wide format and other 2 dimensional products to be sold on a variety of materials as well as fixed price products, typically printed exhibition equipment; Standard has the addition of Digital kit; Advanced includes Litho as well as Digital; and Professional is the all singing all dancing version that enables multiple suppliers for outsourcing, used by print brokers.
The Print Calculator links with our already established Client Account Manager, the software that allows full client management and specific retail pricing.
This week I met with a London based print broker who was eagerly awaiting details of the packages, we just need to finalise pricing now.
Each system will be completely bespoke to suit the client but the use of existing modules will enable pricing to be better controlled.
Next week it's the Business Startup show at Excel and straight after a Networking event in Canary Wharf. I visited the bi-annual Startup show in November last year and one of the main aims next week is to get a feel as to exhibiting this November. It's a great exhibition with a good target market, and with that comes the risks associated with it's cost, I'll have a better idea next week.
I met another prospect this week, a referral from a business contact, well actually a friend. When I followed up the referral it seemed we would both be in London on the same day and so it made sense to meet down here. It transpired that we had mutual associations, this happens so much within the Yorkshire business community, it can be a very small world...
So definitely happier following this week in the Capital. Yeah I still did a load of stuff I could have done in Leeds, but I also did a load of stuff that I couldn't do in Leeds and have cleared my desk of some really important things.
I have made contact with the London Chamber of Commerce and will join next week, planned my movements for the next 2 weeks and made bookings where necessary, so back to Leeds now with a smile.