If we thought the start of Yorkshire Warrior, one of Ascensor’s previous 10 in 10 events, then the morning of the Abbey Dash 10k should be described as Baltic. As we joined 11,000 other runners on the start line, it was evident some of the team were wishing they had joined more of the weekly after-work run club sessions.
The aptly named Abbey Dash follows a simple out route. Starting from the centre of Leeds, we Dashed up to Kirkstall Abbey, where we turned around and ran/waddled back again, to finish on the Headrow outside Leeds City Hall.
Despite the cold start it was great to see a large number of supporters along the route. Especially the typical Yorkshireman with a thick accent and flat cap, declaring to every single runner “you are all doing brilliant” on the way up and the way back down.
It was also great to run on the same course as Olympic finalist Eilish McColgan, who achieved the fastest ever female time in the race at 32 minutes and five seconds. however, there was PB’s all round for our team too!
Our times were;
Ryan - 49mins 27secs
Andy - 50mins 2secs
Kathryn - 56mins 32secs
Plamen - 57mins 16secs
Next up is challenge 5 of 10, the Santa Dash on the 10th December, which will see the team dressing up as Santa and dashing around Leeds City Centre.
Our 10 challenges to celebrate 10 years of Ascensor is bringing our team together to raise money for various charities close to our hearts, we’re having a lot of fun and getting fit at the same time. If you’d like to make a donation and see the rest of our events, check out our Just Giving Page here.