As we reach the end of another successful year delivering web design and digital marketing services, it’s a great time to have a quick recap on some of the events of the last 12 months, there’s far too many things to put in a blog, if you’re interested in what we’re up to each week don’t forget to follow our social!
Our team
During the year our studio team has remained very stable, we’ve recruited into the marketing team, and have added robust skills in the areas of paid search and content marketing. We have ten members of the team passing various Google qualifications under the Google Partner Program during the year, we offer the full raft of Google paid advertising services and this has been a significant growth area for the business in the last year.
We’ve introduced our Superstar of the month award this year, we nominate team members who have gone the extra mile in the month, the winner is chosen during our last Friday of the month fuddle, they get their photo added to our wall of fame and win shopping vouchers of their choice.
A happy team is a productive team, we’re also a competitive team which is clear to see on our table tennis table each day! We have regular competitions, the next one in January is the Ryder ‘pin-pong’ Cup – watch our social for details. Our summer do was also seriously competitive, a cryptic run around Leeds looking for clues, which was followed by a feast at Chaopraya. We’re looking forward to more of the same this Christmas as we take on The Escape Room, followed by a curry at Shabab!
Each month our nominated Fun Co-Ordinator organises the last Friday of the month fuddle, we bring or buy food and have a quiz, this year’s highlights include Alan’s foot balloon bursting game and the spooky Halloween quiz.
Celebrating 10 years with 10 challenges
We’re really proud of our track record for supporting local charities, both in terms of our team’s fundraising efforts and our provision of pro bono services to various third sector organisations. We wanted to come up with something special that could get the whole team involved, something that could run through our 10th birthday in November and into the following year and so we came up with the celebrating 10 years with 10 challenges. This initiative means that our team can select their chosen charity and take part in some or all of the events that we have planned. A key knock-on benefit is that Ryan our Marketing Manager has established a Tuesday night running club, it’s had a great take-up!
Ascensor Air: Ecommerce
Ever since the launch of Ascensor Air, our small business website solution, back in 2013 we’ve been working on an equivalent model for Ecommerce. We’ve been developing bespoke Ecommerce websites for a long time, and as technological advances are made, the scope of our development work has significantly increased, particularly in the realm of mobile commerce. We have found that for many businesses the cost of a bespoke Ecommerce site can be too high to then properly invest in the essential marketing that is needed to deliver ROI quickly.
Ascensor Air: Ecommerce was launched this year, utilising the same model of a fixed front end design template, but with the same feature rich CMS that our bespoke clients benefit from. We officially launched in June and already have 3 designs to choose from, early sales have been very encouraging with the latest sites launching in the next few weeks.
New Ascensor Websites
We believe a business should be looking at a website refresh every two years, and leading by example our latest Ascensor website is launching in time for our 10th birthday.
This year we’ve also launched a Google Page Speed Checker to help website owners to test their website speed. Page speed is a ranking factor and it is very important that a website runs quickly if it is going to be engaging. Website speeds deteriorate overtime for many reasons, we are developing a scheme to help keep our clients’ page speed optimised.
We’ve also developed and are piloting My.Ascensor, our client portal that provides direct access into project management, a service helpdesk and the key metrics from their Google Analytics.
We’re so chuffed to have reached the 10 year mark, in this day and age many new businesses set-up, unfortunately many don’t make it this far, we’re know we’ve achieved great things so far, but this really is just the start – here’s to the next 10!