Facebook’s Business Manager is a tool that helps you to organise and manage your business pages in one place, without being tied to a personal account. Using this tool, you can allow businesses, colleagues and agencies to manage pages and ad accounts for you. You don’t even need to be Facebook friends with your colleague to set them up with their own access to business manager.

What are the benefits of using Facebook Business Manager?
- You can securely share and control access to add accounts, pages and more
- No logins or shared passwords are required, just your normal access to your personal Facebook
- You can easily add agencies or employees to your ad account
- You can easily remove agencies or employees from your ad account
- You can add different levels of permissions for page and ad manager roles
- You can manage different pages and ad accounts all from one place
- You can arrange your pages and accounts into projects for organisation
How can I create a Facebook Business Manager for my business?
Step 1 – Set up
It is crucial that the right person sets up your business manager account, as this person will be the primary admin for the business manager. Usually for smaller companies, this would be the business owner, or for larger businesses it might be the marketing director or social media manager. This admin will be responsible for granting other users or agencies with access to manage pages or accounts and adding payment information.
What you will need:
- A primary Facebook account and a business Facebook page
- All of your business information
- Employee work email addresses

Step 2 – Adding your business information
Once you go to www.business.facebook.com, Facebook will ask you four questions about your business.
- How does your business use Facebook?
For this, unless you’re an app developer, you should click on advertiser. It is recommended that your company set up and own your Business Manager rather than having an agency set it up on your behalf, so you can ensure you are always the primary owner of the account - Select an industry for this business
Choose your industry category as closely as you can. However, this will have no bearing on your business page. - Select how many people will be working in your business manager
This includes employees and agencies. - How many pages, ad accounts or apps will you be working on in your Business Manager? Make sure you consider these.
Step 3 – Your Business Name and Page
Set the business name of your page manager to be the name of your business. If you are working with an agency or want to put different pages under different businesses, this will help to identify which account is which. You can later upload your company logo to your Business Manager.
Select the primary Page you want to connect to your new Business Manager. According to Facebook, “This is the Facebook Page that best represents the business you work for and isn’t a personal or client Page.” If you are the admin of multiple business Pages, select the primary one and add the others in once this account is set up.
Remember, you must have access to at least one business page or you will have to create one to use in your business manager. From the Business Manager dashboard, click Add Page, then, in the pop-up box, click Add Page again. If you do have more than one Facebook page associated with your business, you can add the remaining pages by following the same steps.

Step 4 – Adding your Facebook ad account
If you already use Facebook ads, you can link your ad account from the Business Manager dashboard. Click Add Ad Account, then Add Ad Account again, and then enter the ad account ID, which you can find in your Ads Manager.
If you don’t already have a Facebook ads account, from the Business Manager dashboard, click Add Ad Account, then Create Account. Create an Ad Account that you own, set it up in the right currency and the correct time zone, and add your payment method.
Step 5 – Adding agency access to your Facebook Page & Ad account
There are two different ways to provide agency access to your Facebook Ads account. Firstly, in business.facebook.com, click on Business Settings, then Ad Accounts. Select the account you would like to provide access to, click on assign partner, and set your marketing agency as ‘Admin’, they will need it to effectively handle your advertising. Once you’ve selected the Role for your partner, you’ll be provided with a link to share with the agency.
The second way to provide access to an agency is to click the “Connect your ad account using your partner’s business ID instead”. Your agency will have an ID number- if you input this, your agency will then have confirmation they have access to your account and can begin managing your advertising.
If you want any help with your Facebook advertising, or to find out more about what we can support you with, contact us today.