Released July 24th 2014, Google’s Pigeon update brings with it a new algorithm providing more useful, relevant and accurate local search results which are tied more closely to the traditional web search ranking signals. The update mainly focuses on Google’s localisation search tools and promises to improve their distance and local ranking parameters.
The new Pigeon update ties deeper into their web search capabilities, meaning that hundreds of ranking signals along with a number of search features will be used to rank companies. This may cause some companies to see either an increase or a decrease in their web site referrals due to their new ranking.
What this means for your business
In short, the fact that Google’s Pigeon update changes the way that local businesses are ranked means that it is an update that cannot be ignored. Google can be a fantastic tool in helping consumers find local businesses online; however, if your business finds itself low down within the rankings, it is fair to assume that you will not be found.
It is also worth noting that Google’s localisation search tools will continue to increase in importance for businesses due to the increased usage of the internet on consumer’s mobile phones. The improvements in 3G and 4G networks mean that people can now access Google wherever they are and search for local businesses that match their needs. It is therefore crucial that your business appears near the top of these rankings to ensure that you are found before your competitors.
There are a number of ways that you can ensure that your business remains at its most visible after this pigeon update, check out a few of them below:
- Make sure your company has a presence on directory sites such as Yahoo!, Yelp Merchant Circle and LinkedIn – Pigeon gives greater weight to local businesses with a presence on directories
- Make sure the information on all of your directory and social media sites is complete to ensure you are found for the services you provide
- Post regularly to social sites and publish regular blogs to maintain a constant online presence
- Optimise your website’s SEO to make sure you are found before your competitors
If you are unsure about your website’s SEO or you believe it could be improved, contact us today!